
We all need a little help sometimes…

GroceryAid Day 2 March 2021

It won’t surprise you to find out that more people than ever relied on industry charity GroceryAid last year, so why not not support your industry colleagues who might need a little help by getting involved in GroceryAid Day 2021?

For most of us, 2020 was a challenging year but for some people in our industry it was a truly traumatic one. Convenience channel industry charity GroceryAid was flooded with requests for support of all kinds last year, receiving record levels of contact from colleagues all the way through the supply chain. That means more colleagues needing financial and emotional support than ever before.

Clearly this has put enormous pressure on the charity, but they have been there 24/7 for every industry colleague in need – and GroceryAid in turn needs your support both in terms of helping raise vital funds and also to raise awareness of the many ways the charity can help those in need. Are your colleagues even aware of the support that’s available to them when times get tough, for instance?

If you would like to play your part, the perfect opportunity is just around the corner. The annual GroceryAid Day is the ideal way to raise awareness of the charity and the support it can provide among your colleagues – and there’s no shame in needing a little help now and again.

GroceryAid Day returns on Tuesday 2 March 2021, and after the year we’ve all had it’s more important than ever that your colleagues know about the support available to them.

While our industry has been resilient, statistics show that over six million households are currently financially fragile, with many falling into arrears with household bills. GroceryAid is there to support your colleagues with financial support including grants and debt advice. It also offers emotional support in the shape of counselling, relationship advice and mental health services.

Key workers throughout the grocery industry have done an amazing job going into work during the Covid-19 pandemic to keep the nation fed. When you’re busy with work and trying to cope with new, unusual or challenging circumstances, taking care of yourself can take a back seat. It is so important colleagues know they can turn to GroceryAid for support at any time.

How you can get involved

Last year 116 companies took part in GroceryAid Day and this year the charity needs you to let your colleagues know about the services and the help available. It’s simple, all they want you to do is share.

For now, GroceryAid has three asks:

  • Look at the services it offers at – you will be surprised at how much support it offers.
  • Follow GroceryAid on LinkedIn and ask your colleagues to do the same.
  • Think about how you and your team can get involved and put the date into your diaries.

This month a GroceryAid Day Pack will be shared covering everything you need to help raise awareness.

24/7 GroceryAid Helpline 08088 021 122


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