
More shoppers turning to Jisp amid cost-of-living crisis

Jisp Scan & Save in store

Jisp has revealed that the total number of registered users of its Scan & Save app increased by 8% month-on-month in February, which points to shoppers trying to find new ways to stretch their grocery budgets. 

February saw increases in the core metrics across the app, with scans, taps and redemptions up 45%, 43% and 42%, respectively versus January 2024. When compared to the same period in 2023 the impact of the cost-of-living crisis is even more pronounced with increases of 150%, 177% and 174% across the same metrics. 

Jisp says the sharp increase in the amount of users and the number of interactions through the app demonstrates how a drawn-out cost of living crisis is driving more shoppers to seek value and explore ways of making their money go further. 

One of those ways has been through the Scan & Save app. The amount shoppers saved in February 2024 was up 38% on the previous month and up 144% on the same period in 2023. 

In addition, retail sales for February 2024 were up 27% on a year earlier, returning more than £500k in the month, bringing retail revenue to almost £1 m in only the first two months of the year. 

Total retail sales reached £3.5m for 2023, suggesting that 2024 is on track to significantly outperform the previous year’s figures.  

Ilann Hepworth, Managing Director at Jisp, said: “The cost-of-living crisis is unrelenting, and the recent budget announcement has done little to allay the broader concerns of many cash strapped shoppers,” said  

“It’s not surprising then that shoppers are seeking value and exploring ways they can save and earn extra cash. Scan & Save has been delivering that value to shoppers far and above what other loyalty and rewards platforms can offer, and shoppers recognition of that value is a driving force behind the phenomenal growth we’re experiencing. 

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