
Let’s celebrate our unsung heroes!

Above and Beyond Awards logo

With the overall winner taking home a £500 cash prize, there’s still time to nominate the unsung heroes among your store colleagues for SLR’s new Above & Beyond Awards.

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There’s still time to make nominations for the inaugural SLR Above & Beyond Awards which have been created specifically to acknowledge and reward the everyday heroics of the stars of our sector: the often-overlooked colleagues who lie at the heart of all of our businesses and who make them so special.

As we all know, it’s our store colleagues who are the heart and soul of our businesses and it is upon them that our reputations are built and sustained. Proudly supported by Coca-Cola Europacific Partners, Hovis, Mondelez and SPAR Scotland, the SLR Above & Beyond Awards will put these heroes in the spotlight – and we need you to help us find them.

From the shopfloor to the stock room, from behind the till to in front of the TikTok camera, it’s our people that make our businesses what they are – and we believe it’s time those people stepped out of the shadows and into the limelight.

Inspiring tales

Not only will the Above and Beyond Awards offer the chance to recognise and showcase these store superstars and unearth some of the many amazing stories that unfold in stores across Scotland every day, but they will also provide a platform to help inspire other colleagues and future generations along the way.

So, we would ask you to take the time to check out the awards categories and criteria on the SLR website and get in touch to let us know about some of the amazing things that your colleagues have done to go above and beyond the basic call of duty.

The awards categories cover all major store formats and styles and leave plenty of scope for you to tell us about the heroics that ordinarily go unreported and unheralded.

This is your chance to provide some overdue recognition for those members of your team that really do help set your business apart in the local community.

The awards are simple to enter, and all shortlisted colleagues will be invited free of charge to a celebratory lunch at the plush Corinthian Club in Glasgow on 13 March 2024.

Working with our generous sponsors, we will ensure that everyone joining us on the day enjoys a relaxing day off and receives the recognition they so thoroughly deserve.

And, to top things off, one of them – our overall winner – will receive a £500 cash prize!

Key dates
  • Shortlist announced: Fri 2 February 2024
  • Winners’ lunch: Wed 13 March, The Corinthian Club, Glasgow

Inspiring tales

Not only will the Above and Beyond Awards offer the chance to recognise and showcase these store superstars and unearth some of the many amazing stories that unfold in stores across Scotland every day, they will also provide a platform to help inspire other colleagues and future generations along the way.

So, we would encourage you to take the time to check out the awards categories and criteria on the SLR website and get in touch to let us know about some of the amazing things that your colleagues have done to go above and beyond the basic call of duty.

The awards categories cover all major store formats and styles and leave plenty of scope for you to tell us about the heroics that ordinarily go unreported and unheralded.

This is your chance to provide some overdue recognition for those members of your team that really do help set your business apart in the local community.

Whether it’s helping drive up standards in your store, turbo-charging community engagement, being there for customers in a time of need or being a superstar colleague who always has time to lend a hand or an ear – we want to hear about them.

The awards are simple to enter, and all shortlisted colleagues will be invited free of charge to a celebratory lunch at the plush Corinthian Club in Glasgow on 13 March 2024.

Working with our generous sponsors, we will ensure that everyone joining us on the day enjoys a relaxing day off and receives the recognition they so thoroughly deserve.

Award Categories
  • Independent Store Colleague – Symbol Group Member
    Open to all colleagues working in independently-owned local retailing stores in Scotland that are members of any symbol group, fascia or franchise.
  • Independent Store Colleague – Unaffiliated Store
    Open to all colleagues working in independently owned unaffiliated local retailing stores in Scotland.
  • Multiple Store Colleague
    Open to all colleagues working in convenience-format stores in Scotland owned by a central company, group or organisation (excluding supermarket-owned convenience-format stores).
  • Company-Owned Store Colleague
    Open to all colleagues working in CJ Lang Company-Owned stores in Scotland.
  • Forecourt Store Colleague
    Open to all colleagues working in independently owned forecourt stores in Scotland.
  • Up & Coming Star
    Open to all colleagues aged 25 or under working in any of the store formats detailed above who have shown themselves to be outstanding colleagues with a bright future in the sector ahead of them.
  • Long Service Awards
    Open to all colleagues working in any of the store formats detailed above who have worked in the sector or a single store or chain for an extended period.
  • Astonishing Act
    Open to all colleagues working in any of the store formats detailed above who truly went Above & Beyond to perform an astonishing single act that had a massive positive impact on a customer, colleague or community.

Thank you to our sponsors

CCEP logo


Coca-Cola Europacific Partners is delighted to sponsor the Above & Beyond Awards because they recognise and reward the unsung heroes of the Scottish local retailing sector: the store colleagues who are the heart and soul of a special industry. CCEP is proud to help shine a light on their dedication and hard work.


In 1890, a national competition was held by our founders when looking for a new trading name for their patented flour milling process product. A prize of £25 was offered to the winner who was called Herbert Grime, and he suggested the name “Hovis”, from the Latin “Hominis Vis” meaning “Strength of Man”.

Now over 130 years later, we want to reward another Astonishing Act. This time its not a name for a new product, but rather recognition for people who work in the Impulse channel who have done something Astonishing.

Since 2020 when we were all impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, retailers and their staff have done an amazing job supporting local communities and high streets. We are proud to work with SLR to reward a colleague who has performed an astonishing act in the last 12 months that has had a positive impact.

Mondelez logo

Mondelez International

Supporting independent retailers and the colleagues who work in store is fundamental to Mondelez International, helping them on their path to success and rewarding excellence in independent retail. We are proud to support Above & Beyond 2024 and in particular the categories we are sponsoring, to recognise those who go above and beyond to deliver a great in-store experience for their shoppers.

Spar CJ Lang logo

SPAR Scotland

Our staff are our biggest asset, clearly identified by our customers.  We know convenience store staff are very much unsung heroes at times and we’re delighted to be involved in industry awards that recognise their efforts.


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