Tesco unveils restructure and closure of Jack’s

Jack's logo

Tesco has revealed that it will no longer operate stores under the Jack’s brand, but convenience stores supplied by Booker will still be able to get their hands on Jack’s-branded products.

The supermarket giant said six Jack’s stores will be converted to Tesco, with the remaining seven Jack’s stores to close in the coming months.

In the six stores to be converted to Tesco, Jack’s staff will be offered in-store roles. There are 130 roles in the seven closing stores and in head office that will be affected by these changes, but Tesco is trying to find alternative roles for those affected.

Tesco UK and ROI Chief Executive Jason Tarry said: “We have learnt a huge amount from Jack’s and this has helped Tesco become more competitive, more efficient and strengthened our value proposition, including through the launch of Aldi Price Match.”

He added: “With the learnings from Jack’s now applied, the time is right to focus on ensuring we continue to deliver the best possible value for customers in our core business.”

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