
Skwishee competition plumbs new depths

Baby drinking from toilet

Skwishee fans did not disappoint when they were urged to get creative and make their own containers for the frozen fizzy drinks brand’s nationwide Bring Your Own Cup Day (29 July).

A wide variety of items were brought along to stockists to be filled for £2.49, ranging from buckets to baguettes. Spurred on by a competition to win a year’s supply of Skwishee for the five best designs, many shoppers created handmade containers or carved fruit.

The more bizarre entries included a small toilet and what appears to be a hollowed-out cat.

Furry cup

David Bateman, Skwishee’s National Sales Manager said the event was very successful in driving footfall into partner stores and provided a memorable day out.

“Almost all of our retail partners have reported a significant increase in sales following the event, and we were thrilled to see such a high level of engagement with customers,” he said.


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