
Perth and Kinross retailers charged after selling vapes to minors

Underage vaping

Two Perth and Kinross retailers have been caught and charged by Police Scotland for the sale of vapes to minors.

Instances of sales to young people as young as 14 were reported to Perth and Kinross Council’s trading standards team and Police Scotland.

Councillor Tom McEwan, Convener of Housing and Social Wellbeing said: “Products like vapes are age-restricted for good reasons and we want to prevent children and young people from accessing them illegally. A key part of achieving this is for businesses to ensure they do not sell these items to under-18s and to be aware that action can be taken against them if they do.

“Together with Police Scotland we are taking steps to clamp down on instances of underage sales and this joint work will continue. I would also encourage anyone who has information suggesting that vapes or other age-restricted products are being sold to children and young people in Perth and Kinross to contact our Trading Standards team or Police Scotland on 101 to report this.”

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This website contains images and information relating to tobacco products. Please do not view if you are under 18 years of age.

This publication contains images and information relating to tobacco products. Please do not view if you are under the age of 18 years old.