
One Stop to provide CPR training to staff


One Stop is partnering with the British Heart Foundation to provide all staff with access to CPR training through the charity’s new RevivR training tool.

The online tool teaches lifesaving CPR skills in just 15 minutes, for free, and personalised feedback is also given while you practice through the camera on a smartphone or tablet.

Jack Taylor, Community and Partnership Manager at One Stop, said: “We’re grateful to be able to offer our colleagues life-saving CPR training with the British Heart Foundation’s RevivR tool. It’s important to us that our colleagues feel confident enough to give medical assistance to a fellow colleague or even a customer if needed.”   

The training focuses on:  

  • How to recognise if someone is having a cardiac arrest;
  • How to push on the chest so oxygen can get to the vital organ;
  • How to make an emergency call;
  • How to use a defibrillator. 

Estelle Stephenson, Head of Health Partnerships & Community Resuscitation at British Heart Foundation, said: “We’re so grateful to One Stop for rolling out our RevivR CPR training to their colleagues. A cardiac arrest can affect anyone, at any time, so we want as many people to learn CPR as possible.

“Tragically, of the 30,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests that happen across the UK every year less than one in ten people will survive. By equipping their colleagues with this lifesaving skill, One Stop is making sure someone has the best chance of survival from a cardiac arrest.”  

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