SGF launches online MUP calculator

Pete Cheema

The Scottish Grocers Federation has launched an online calculator to support retailers with changes to the rate set for Minimum Unit Pricing in Scotland, expected to come into effect later this year. 

The trade association is preparing to roll out a package of advice for retailers ahead of an increase to MUP, from 50p to 65p, due to come into force on 30 September 2024. 

The SGF MUP calculator is free to use, providing an easily accessible scale slider, and is available with both the current price (50p) and the new price (65p). Along with the SGF Guidance on Minimum Unit Pricing for Retailers booklet, the calculator is available on the SGF website. 

SGF has reached out to the Scottish government about refreshing its Retailers Guide, which was developed jointly 2018, to providing all the most up to date figures and regulations for retailers. 

Pete Cheema, SGF Chief Executive, said: “Many convenience retailers are at the very heart of their communities but some working flat-out just to keep the lights on and doors open. We don’t believe this is a good time to be adding pressure onto retailers or struggling household budgets, so everything possible must be done to ensure this transition is straightforward and manageable.

The MUP regulations were first introduced on 1 May 2018. As part of a ‘sunset clause’, the current legislation ends on 30 April, the new price of 65p will come into effect on 30 September 2024.

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