Minimum unit pricing has ‘positive impact’ on health

Diageo spirits

Minimum unit pricing (MUP) has saved lives, reduced hospital admissions, and had a “positive impact” on health, a new report from Public Health Scotland has concluded.

In a final report of a series, researchers said that ‘robust, independent evaluation’ and wide-ranging evidence drawing on 40 independent research publications, showed that MUP has been effective in its main goal of reducing alcohol harm with the reduction in deaths and hospital admissions specific to the timing of MUP implementation.

This follows a study published in March by PHS and the University of Glasgow showing MUP reduced alcohol consumption by 3%, deaths directly caused by alcohol consumption by 13.4% and hospital admissions by 4.1%. compared to what would have happened if MUP had not been in place.

Drugs and Alcohol Policy Minister, Elena Whitham, said: “We’re determined to do all we can to reduce alcohol-related harm and, as this research demonstrates, our world-leading policy is saving lives, reducing alcohol harms and hospital admissions. Just one life lost to alcohol-related harm is one too many and my sympathy goes to all those who have lost a loved one.

“MUP has also contributed to reducing health inequalities. The study found the largest reductions in deaths and hospital admissions wholly attributable to alcohol consumption were seen in men and those living in the 40% most deprived areas.”

She added: “We will now carefully consider this research as part of ongoing work on reviewing MUP.”

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