SGF appoints new public affairs lead

Luke McGarty

The Scottish Grocers’ Federation has promoted Luke McGarty to the role of Head of Policy & Public Affairs.

McGarty, who has worked for the organisation over the past five years, will take on the lead role in public affairs during a crucial time for SGF members and the retail sector.

He will be replaced as Policy & Public Affair Officer by Jamie Mackie who has a background working with MSPs in the Scottish Parliament.

In addition, Linsey Hunter will take on the role of Events & Marketing Co-ordinator for SGF, providing an essential service for members and helping to grow the reach of the organisation. Lena Robertson has joined the team as Receptionist and Admin Support, supporting the work of the entire SGF team.

Chief Executive Pete Cheema said: “It is a challenging time for many retailers and shop workers, and more than ever we need strong representation at all levels of government and society. So, I can say wholeheartedly that Lena, Linsey and Jamie are very welcome additions to our team, and I am very much looking forward to working with them over the coming months and years.

“Luke has done an exceptional job for us, and I’m delighted to announce that he is taking on the role as head of our public affairs unit. No organisation is worth anything without its key people and we will continue to work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that the viability and success of the Scottish convenience trade continues.”

SGF’s annual conference will be held this October and will be an ideal opportunity for members to meet and get to know new staff and SGF team.

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